About Sara

Book Lover & Mama

I’ve always loved books for as long as I can remember.  My parents were thoughtful to place books around the house & on long Sunday afternoons, you may have found me sideways in Papa’s chair reading Leaves of Grass or flipping through the pages of an art book.  The summer I turned 12, I read a minimum of 3 books per weekend & I’ve missed having that much time on my hands ever since. 

As the mom of two daughters, I love filling their bookshelves with stories.  It’s the best way to transport ourselves to distant lands without leaving home!


“To make children happy gladdens all human hearts; to be with them,

to work for them, is like sitting in the sunshine.”

– Kate Douglas Wiggin

My Top 5 Favorite Books

Choosing a top 5 seems almost impossible with books this amazing!

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