Teaching children to be kind isn’t always such an easy job, especially as children become school age and their little lives begin to revolve around their peers more & their parents less.  Aside from modeling kindness, one of the best ways I’ve found to start a conversation about kindness is through storytelling.  

When we open the pages of a book, our children can see themselves in the characters of a storyline.  They may find themselves transported to experiences they’ve already had — and stories with a positive message can give children the courage & understanding to navigate their social world with kindness.   Here are some of our favorite stories when we need a reminder about how to be kind:

Do Nice, Be Kind, Spread Happy

This cool and quirky title is full of ways to spread a bit of happy, and release your inner ninja of niceness with some guerrilla acts of goodness. From sending hugs through the mail to being “pushy” at the park, there’s a helper hint for every hero.

Jessica's Box

Will Jessica find a friend at school? It’s not easy when you’re shy, so every day she brings her cardboard box filled with something different to share. The poor gal seems to strike out everyday.  Until, finally, she discovers that all she truly needs to share is herself. Jessica’s Box will capture the heart of every child, parent, teacher… and friend.

All About Feelings

How are you feeling today? This exciting exploration of different emotions helps young children learn to answer this important question in a lively and engaging way.  This is a great book for children ages 3 & up, but it’s not too young for children in first or second grade.  

What are some other ways to nurture kindness in our children?  Here’s a short list to get started:

  • Check on an elderly neighbor
  • Send a loved one (especially grandparents!) a card
  • Visit an animal shelter with donations
  • Volunteer at church
  • Bake cookies to share
  • Do something nice for your brother or sister

We’d love to hear what acts of kindness or storybooks you love that encourage kindness.  Leave a comment down below!